Friday 14 July 2017

Issuance of Rupee denominated bonds overseas

On a review of the laid down framework for issuance of Rupee denominated bonds overseas (Masala Bonds) and with a view to harmonize the various elements of the ECB framework, it has been decided that any proposal of borrowing by eligible Indian entities by issuance of these bonds will be examined at the Foreign Exchange Department, Central Office, Mumbai. Further, it has also been decided to revise the provisions in respect of maturity period, all-in-cost ceiling and recognized lenders (investors) of Masala Bonds as under:
  1. Maturity period: Minimum original maturity period for Masala Bonds raised upto USD 50 million equivalent in INR per financial year should be 3 years and for bonds raised above USD 50 million equivalent in INR per financial year should be 5 years.
  2. All-in-cost ceiling: The all-in-cost ceiling for such bonds will be 300 basis points over the prevailing yield of the Government of India securities of corresponding maturity.
  3. Recognised investors: Entities permitted as investors under the provisions of paragraph 3.3.3 of the Master Direction but should not be related party within the meaning as given in Ind-AS 24.

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